Friday, September 5, 2008

Chunk of Love

Quade is now 6 months old and we cannot believe it. He is laughing and eating and sitting and standing (with assistance!!), and growing like crazy. He is close to 18 pounds and eating sweet potatos, carrots, peas, and bananas! Here are some recent pictures and a video of Quade sitting and playing with his stationary car!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Mr. Smileyface!!

Quade was 8 weeks old this past Saturday! He has been smiling all the time and is such a charmer!! He responds to excitement and always puts on a good show after a full meal!! He coos and is found entertaining himself while looking at things with different shapes and colors. He has been holding his head up very well and pushing off our legs with his legs. Today, he pushed up off his elbows while doing tummy time! I tried to capture it on tape but he got aggitated and was done!! He is now using his play gym which is quite stimilating for him. He talks to all the animals and even has reached up at them (Fred claims to have taught him this!)!! He loves music and likes us to sing to him. Some of his favorites are Froggy Went a Courtin', The Bakery Shop, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Row Your Boat, and newly discovered If You Are Happy and You Know It...On another note, we had a beautiful nest of robbins on our front porch. They took flight on Sunday and we literally watched them fly for the first time because we accidently scared them out of their nest!! Here is a new video of Quade on his play gym.

Friday, April 25, 2008


Quade arrived on March 8, 2008 at 8 pm. He will be seven weeks old tomorrow which is hard to believe. We are having a blast and settling into parenthood. Quade is sleeping well and giving us lots of smiles, especially after he has eaten. He has even giggled a few times. He is very alert and rolling over. He likes us to sing to him so it is very entertaining making up songs and trying to remember songs our parents and grandparents once sang to us. He has big blue eyes and is quite handsome I must say!!! Here is a picture of when he was born and a more recent picture. There is also a video. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Thanks Granddad!!

Baby Alexander went to his/her first UNC/Duke basketball game a couple of weeks ago!! Thanks Granddad!! Although the Heels lost, we had a terrific time catching up with friends and just having the opportunity to have this experience. The Dean Dome was in full effect and it was amazing to be surrounded by so much Carolina Blue! We even broke down and got It-A its first UNC rainsuit!!

Last week we were full term, and we are now 38 weeks. Basically, the baby could come anytime between today, tomorrow, or mid March!! We watched Knocked Up last night which was hysterical. Fred has been a great sport listening to me rattle off 480 things that we probably do not need to do but I feel are a priority. He demo'd a wall, scrubbed mold, sanded, scraped, and even painted!! I even got a back rub last night which was a BIG treat!!

We are getting very excited and will keep everyone posted. Fred also shaved so the baby will not be welcomed by my loving Brawny man :)

Friday, February 1, 2008


We are now down to less than 40 days, so I am 35 weeks in these pictures...We have our birthing class tonight and tomorrow. Fred is very excited - especially to watch the birth video! I do not think he knows what he is in for! The baby has definitely dropped, and I am carrying it lower than before. You can see that everything keeps growing...I hope that things do not get too much larger!

Here are some pictures of the nursery. Fred made the ram on the dressing table which I just adore. The pictures above the dressing table of the lion and the angel are from Budapest, Hungary. I got them when I traveled to Europe in 1999. I drew the picture of the lioness with her cubs when I was in junior high. Then the ABC's piece was made by Elizabeth and Glen Spencer (Fred's sister and her new husband). She is an amazing artist as well as her husband. It has been fun putting the nursery together and finding pieces of our past (like Fred's Goodnight Moon book signed by his grandmother, Louise Alexander, in 1976) to decorate and use.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

11 UNC Games to Go!!!

We had an ultra sound this morning and the baby is 5 pounds, 6 ounces!! We have 5 weeks to go or 11 UNC basketball games! They moved our due date from March 6 to March 8. Everything looks good - the baby is fully developed and is now just growing.

Our family and friends have been so terrific and supportive. We have had some great parties and showers - there are not enough thanks out there to fully show our appreciation.

I am sure that many of you are curious about names! We are too! Just kidding. We have come up with some options if it is a girl. We narrowed it to about 4 and will decide when she arrives. But, if it is a boy, we will name him after Fred. So, he will be Fred Calivin Alexander IV! We will have a nickname which will be a surprise. I told Fred that I cannot have 2 Freds under one roof - it might make me crazy calling for one person when 2 exist!

I have cut my hair and donated it to Wigs for Kids! A lot of people call it my "mommy" cut which I suppose it is but I was planning on donating for a while. Hopefully, I can do it again in the future. All for now! I will try to be better about updating! Here is a before and after picture!