Wednesday, January 30, 2008

11 UNC Games to Go!!!

We had an ultra sound this morning and the baby is 5 pounds, 6 ounces!! We have 5 weeks to go or 11 UNC basketball games! They moved our due date from March 6 to March 8. Everything looks good - the baby is fully developed and is now just growing.

Our family and friends have been so terrific and supportive. We have had some great parties and showers - there are not enough thanks out there to fully show our appreciation.

I am sure that many of you are curious about names! We are too! Just kidding. We have come up with some options if it is a girl. We narrowed it to about 4 and will decide when she arrives. But, if it is a boy, we will name him after Fred. So, he will be Fred Calivin Alexander IV! We will have a nickname which will be a surprise. I told Fred that I cannot have 2 Freds under one roof - it might make me crazy calling for one person when 2 exist!

I have cut my hair and donated it to Wigs for Kids! A lot of people call it my "mommy" cut which I suppose it is but I was planning on donating for a while. Hopefully, I can do it again in the future. All for now! I will try to be better about updating! Here is a before and after picture!