Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Mover and Shaker!

Fred felt the baby for the first time this past Monday night. It was really exciting for him to feel its movements. He said that it felt like a pulse. Now every night before bed, we can feel It-A moving around - almost punching the top of my belly. On Thursday morning, I was on my side and felt It-A practicing its vertical - honestly, I thought the baby was taking a step forward, then jumping into the air!! If the baby keeps this up, it's vertical will be much higher than our (Fred & me) combined vertical of 2 inches!! The books says that earlier, the baby was wriggling and floating around but now its movements are more deliberate. It-A can kick and do somersaults. It can also suck its thumb and hiccup at this point!!!

Interesting factoid: The umbilical coid is so well engineered that the blood stream travels at four miles an hour and completes the round-trip through the cord and through the baby in only 30 seconds!!!

It-A heard the Tams last night for the first time - ours too! This is a picture from a photo booth they had at the wedding we went to. We did a little dancing ourselves!!

I have had four dreams of the baby's sex - one that it is a girl and 3 that it is a boy! Fred had a dream that it is a girl. The funniest dream I had was recently. I was looking at It-A's most recent ultrasound and I saw a "you know what!" This is obviously not the case but it is crazy how your mind plays games with you.

We are working on names but that has not faired too well. It is hard to decide!!

The baby is now over 7 inches long and weighs over 12 ounces. My belly is growing as well as other body parts!!! To get an idea of It-A's size, its thumb is about as long as the finger nail on my pointer finger (quarter of an inch)! I will update with some new pictures soon! 134 days to go!

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