Thursday, October 4, 2007

Introduction: It-A

After seeing the fun things our friends create and share on their blogs, we thought it would be fun to create one for ourselves.

After finding out that we were pregnant, we decided that we needed a name for our unborn child. We came up with It-A a.k.a. It Alexander which is derived from Itty Bitty (It-a Bit-a...!!). We intentionally made the name not extremely likable to ensure that it would not become a nickname!!

As most of your are aware, we are not finding out the chromosome make-up of our child (sex, gender, whichever you prefer) and are looking forward to the wonderful surprise. So, we hope that you enjoy our blog! The image to the right is from our first ultra sound. It-A is 9 weeks old and you can see her/his arms and legs labeled "A" and "L."

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